East Bay Lenten Caravan
Latest Past Events
Holiday At The Temple “An Elegant Affair”
Solomon Temple International 655 California Avenue, Pittsburghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDmZ43dNGMw New this year, Marcus McCauley Sessions’ take on the Holidays with a glamorous, soul stirring production “Holiday at The Temple” An Elegant Affair. Join us on the evening of December 9th & 10th for a sweeping string section, live horns, band and top notch singers. Enjoy a Winter Wonderland Bazaar full of luxurious holiday treats. Featured artists: Lena Byrd Miles Dasha Moore Victor V.S Brice Tanya Fitzgerald Victor Brice Aliya Hall Timothy Mays Sangin Sara Joshua Carter Tamara Edwards Come dressed in your best and experience your holiday favorites ….. with a twist. Gospel, Classical, and Jazz will tickle your ears and put you right in the holiday spirit. More importantly this amazing production has partnered with Hope Resources, Inc. Our goal is to bring the community together in unity. Partial proceeds will be donated Hope Resources, Toys for Tots and Shepard’s Gate Women’s Shelter.
Greater St. Paul – Watch Night Service
Greater St. Paul MBC 1827 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, OaklandNo matter what may have happened this year, the Lord has been kind to us. Bring someone along with you and join us for one of our New Year’s Eve Worship Services as we look back in appreciation of God’s grace in 2016 and look ahead with anticipation for more of His grace in 2017. Special One-Hour Service: 6PM - 7PM Watch Night Service: 10PM Bishop Joseph E. Simmons, Senior Pastor www.gspbc.org
First AME Oakland – New Year’s Eve Service
First AME Church 3701 Telegraph Avenue, OaklandBring in the New Year at FAME Oakland! Dr. Harold R. Mayberry, Senior Pastor www.fameoakland.org
Faith in the Bay is not responsible for event cancellations or lineup changes. To submit your event for the community calendar, please visit http://bit.ly/2P2HXqG