All are invited to the 2017 Oakland City Wide Revival, hosted by the Baptist Ministers Union of Oakland and Vicinity. Don’t miss this annual Bay Area tradition, featuring: Daily Lecturer: Dr. Larry W. Ellis, Pilgrim Baptist Church (San Mateo, CA) Revivalist: Bishop Stephen B. Hall, Rhema Nation Church (Conyers, CA) Revivalist: Bishop Rudolph McKissick, Jr., Bethel Baptist Institutional Church (Jacksonville, FL) Day (11AM) and evening services (7PM) held nightly, April 9-14, 2017. Dr. Martin Peters, Youth-A-Rama Coordinator Min. Jamal…
Baptist Ministers Union
All are invited to the 2017 Oakland City Wide Revival, hosted by the Baptist Ministers Union of Oakland and Vicinity. Don’t miss this annual Bay Area tradition, featuring: Daily Lecturer: Dr. Larry W. Ellis, Pilgrim Baptist Church (San Mateo,…
All are invited to the 2017 Oakland City Wide Revival, hosted by the Baptist Ministers Union of Oakland and Vicinity. Don’t miss this annual Bay Area tradition, featuring: Daily Lecturer: Dr. Larry W. Ellis, Pilgrim Baptist Church (San Mateo,…
All are invited to the 2017 Oakland City Wide Revival, hosted by the Baptist Ministers Union of Oakland and Vicinity. Don’t miss this annual Bay Area tradition, featuring: Daily Lecturer: Dr. Larry W. Ellis, Pilgrim Baptist Church (San Mateo,…
All are invited to the 2017 Oakland City Wide Revival, hosted by the Baptist Ministers Union of Oakland and Vicinity. Don’t miss this annual Bay Area tradition, featuring: Daily Lecturer: Dr. Larry W. Ellis, Pilgrim Baptist Church (San Mateo,…