
  • Virtual Town Hall: Parental Stress During A Pandemic

    Parental Stress

    Please join Supervisor Keith Carson for a Virtual Town Hall on Parental Stress During a Pandemic, Monday, May 18, 2020, 5:30 – 7:00 PM. Parenting is hard under normal circumstances, and now parents are having to do so during the COVID-19 pandemic while sheltering at home. Add in financial instability, uncertainty about work, and general worry about the health and well-being of your loved ones, it can feel overwhelming. As we all continue to shelter in place, it is a…

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  • Dante Quick Rose
    Featured Inspiration

    Meditation on Lent and Covid-19

    Fear is one of the persistent hounds of hell that dog the footsteps of the poor, the dispossessed, the disinherited…There are some things that are worse than death. To deny one’s own integrity of personality in the presence of…