BWOPA/TILE DWJ Fellows Let’s Talk

Red Door Catering Studio 2925 Adeline Street, Emeryville, CA, United States

The BWOPA/TILE DWJ Fellows Let's Talk is an issue forum providing solutions to a unique set of social challenges faced by the African American community, as well as other communities of color. Infant Mortality Economic Empowerment Sex Trafficking Prisoner Re-Entry Education Reform Come hear Black Women Organized for Political Action and the Training Institute for Leadership Enrichment DWJ Policy Fellows share their solutions for evoking positive change to a unique set of social issues and challenges faced by communities of color. Nikki Thomas, Mistress of Ceremonies Dr. Fatima Alleyne Danielle Bellino Nicole Henderson Danielle Motley Chasitie Neal Daisy Ozim Simone Thelemaque Tyffanie Wedding Register Online:



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