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Mount Davidson Cross – Easter Sunrise Service 2017
April 16, 2017 @ 6:30 am - 8:30 am

San Francisco’s grandest Easter morning tradition gets under way at 6:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 16, 2017: the annual Sunrise Service at Mount Davidson Cross. This year’s citywide celebration atop the City’s highest peak marks the 95th anniversary of the event. Enjoy early movie footage of this tradition from the 1920s.
Local clergy presiding at the citywide non-denominational service include Rev. Jeff Mammen of New Life Church, Rev. Nerses Balabanian of Calvary Amenian Congregational Church, Rev. Tim Svoboda of Youth With A Mission City Ministries, Rev. Chris Davis of Redemption Church and Pastor Jordan Hall of Trinity Church, who will deliver the Easter message.
A number of community leaders have also been invited to take part in Easter Sunrise 2017, including SF Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White. The program also features musical performances by Voice of Victory and Lynne Miller of The House of Bagpipes.
Situated at the summit of Mt. Davidson (elevation 938 ft.), America’s largest cross will be illuminated by spotlights throughout Saturday evening, April 15, shining as a beacon for Easter morning pilgrims (Note: great location shot at the corner of Robinhood Way and Lansdale Avenue on Saturday night).
Special bus service on Muni’s 36 line begins at 5:30 a.m. and runs every 15 minutes from Forest Hill Station to the park gate located at the intersection of Lansdale Avenue, Myra Drive and Dalewood Way – two blocks south of Portola Drive. Call (415) 673-MUNI for further transit information.
Sponsored by local churches and broadcast nationally in years past, the Easter Sunrise Service attendance record was set during World War II, with an estimated 50,000 worshippers in attendance.
Originally dedicated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a transcontinental ceremony in 1934, the 103-foot-tall Mt. Davidson Cross has been restored by the Council of Armenian-American Organizations of Northern California, owners of the monument.
With the sun rising over the East Bay hills, Mt. Davidson Park’s beautiful forest setting serves as a spectacular backdrop for this cherished Easter event. Adding to the visual appeal of the panoramic view of San Francisco Bay and the downtown skyline at dawn is the dazzling springtime array of wildflowers currently in bloom.
Those planning to attend Easter Sunrise 2017 are advised to dress warmly and wear comfortable walking shoes for the short walk to the summit. The park entrance across from 39 Dalewood Way affords the easiest route to the top. For more details, call (415) 566-8393.
Faith in the Bay is not responsible for event cancellations or lineup changes. To submit your event for the community calendar, please visit http://bit.ly/2P2HXqG
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