Bay Area Worship

  • Tracy City Wide Revival 2016

    Citywide Tracy 2016

    All are invited to the 1st Annual Tracy City Wide Revival, being held March 22-25, 2016. The inaugural year kick-includes: REVIVAL MUSICAL: 6:30PM  |  Restoration Tabernacle Church 1005 E. Pescadero Ave., Ste 149, Tracy, CA – Dr. Larry T. Brantley (Host Pastor) PASTORAL & LEADERSHIP FORUM: 10am – Noon | March 23 & 24 NIGHTLY SERVICES: 6:30pm Guest Revivalist (Wed & Thurs): Pastor Robert Dyson, International Church of Overcomers, Desoto, TX Good Friday: 7 Last Sayings of Christ Facebook event link…

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  • Revival

    Nor Cal: It’s Time for City Wide 2016

    It’s that time again. This week all across the Bay Area & Northern California City Wide Revival’s will kick-off in Oakland, Sacramento, San Francisco, and Tracy! The annual tradition features a variety of day and evening worship services, combined choirs,…