I’m starting to think NEW isn’t so NEW anymore! I think that Original is the new-NEW! That is to say that perhaps our focus should not be as much on looking for something new but rediscovering what we already possess, what was given “in” us from before the foundations of the world. Semantics, semantics, semantics, you might say. And I will agree with you. You do know words shape our reality and frame our world though. So perhaps you might consider referring to this “fresh start” as the REFRESH.
I initiated this journey of thought with this idea: If I’m seeing what appears to be a beginning, I am merely coming from the end. I know the end, otherwise, I would not recognize this moment as a beginning. It’s sort of like the adage start with the end in mind. A beginning only has its context and existence because there is an expected end we are confident of as Jeremiah 29:11 reassures us. I wonder if that’s what the journey was like for Abraham. He didn’t know the exact mountain that he should sacrifice his son Issac, but he knew he would recognize it when he saw it because his start already had an end in mind. We call that vision. That thing which may be difficult to fully articulate and define but you know it when you see it.
Isaiah 46:9-10, Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done. (Did God just say remember the former things of old?…Milan, you’ll have to work that out in another Streaming Faith Devotional!)
The value of this scripture is that I perceive that every REFRESH gets us closer and closer to God’s original intention and to the conclusion that has already been determined and accomplished. Can you imagine waking every day saying, I’m history in the making. Everyday moving forward is a day back into God’s original intention and design for you. Do I hear Marvin Gaye and Tammy Terrell sing, “Ain’t nothin’ like the real thang, baby.” We live each day out of a glorious conclusion that was already set for us, and we live each day out of what has already been provided in us. We have all we need in Him, in us. We just need to pull it up or hit the REFRESH button.
This metaphor popped into my awareness. Or you might say reloaded onto my hard-ware brain matter. On the internet web page, there is a refresh browser button. Usually, you need to hit this button if the page’s content needs to be updated or if the page is in freeze mode or stuck. Sometimes you even need to hit the refresh button when the page has not fully downloaded all of its contents. You may need the refresh button when we lose the connection with the invisible communication signals in the atmosphere.
On the web page there are graphics, pictures, images, icons that appear, but they are actually the overlay for a command and function. So I believe it is in the spirit world. Pictures, images (imagination), dreams, vision is what God gives to you as a symbol, as an icon that serves as a command and function to the universe. The visions and dreams, pictures and images you have for your life are commands and functions that the world must act on and operate. The function for that thing to operate already exists and is already programmed waiting for you to put it into motion. The world expects and anticipates your creativity to continue the work of God from Genesis 1. It’s not something that doesn’t already exist; the universe is already in place to give form to what you desire (Romans 8:28).
Know that your visions and dreams are symbols of a purpose much higher and greater than the symbol itself. So harness the power of a dream, imagination, and vision to command the earth. And when your hardware freezes or if the page is not fully loaded with all of the icons you need to manifest your desires, all you need to do is hit REFRESH and reload the page. All that you need is already in you, just hit the refresh button.
© Cory Bradley, All rights reserved
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