You don’t have to worry how your life is going to play out because God already has it written! We look at the great men and women of God today, like the influential individuals on TV, the movies and the radio. We assume they’ve always been confident, effective and well put together! But that’s not the case. Everyone begins somewhere.
Take, for example, my pastor, Bishop Eddie Long. God uses him to reach millions all over the world and he’s extremely anointed to teach the word of God. But, according to the bishop, he would get nervous during his first seven years of ministry.
He says that he would be in the bathroom throwing up. It took him a while to become what God intended. It was always in Him, the capability, the gifting, and the greatness. The same potential is in you and me.
Everything you go through in life is preparing you.
All the years behind the scenes, while I was supporting Eric, being a wife and not working, God was all preparing me. Even through my business ventures, including the ones that failed, I gained valuable knowledge. We can learn from all things. Romans 8:28 says, “All things work together for good to those that love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” That includes you and me! Even if you’re in a place in your life that you absolutely despise, trust God in His timing.
Remember the men of the Bible who God used in amazing ways? Think about what David did before he was king. He tended sheep. Think about Joseph before he was in charge of the land in Egypt. He was in prison! See, it doesn’t matter where you are now. Everyone has a beginning. And the great thing is that the Lord will meet you where you are!
The extraordinary power, talent and anointing are always within us. Like butterflies in cocoons, we metamorphose into our destinies. Once we become believers of God, His spirit lives in us. In fact, the bible says it’s the same spirit that raised Christ from the grave. The problem is, we just have to get past our fears and our misconceptions to get to that greatness! We can do this daily by renewing our minds, thinking on God, and believing and standing on His word.
Each of us is like a pearl. We are all extraordinary because of what God has done and who God is. When we get past the hard exterior, we will truly radiate.
We are all precious gems – we just need some polishing and refining. The problems you go through are the fire. It is the heat that burns away the impurities and makes you beautiful. No two diamonds are alike, so be yourself and praise your uniqueness. The world needs your beauty! We are all called to shine brightly on this earth to reach the entire world for God’s glory. God has created you to shine only the way you can and to reach the people that only you can.
Great men and women of faith have existed before you. Now it’s time for you to take the mantle, and run your race. God has anointed you to change the world. Get in divine alignment and go from ordinary to extraordinary!
May you be blessed, enriched, and know that you have a divine destiny to fulfill, people to reach and nations to change. Work hard, as working unto the Lord, not stopping until your vision and dream come true.
So, remember:
- Recognize that this may only be your beginning. You have amazing potential!
- Trust God’s timing.
- Renew your mind daily.
- Cherish your uniqueness and run your own race.
A motivational speaker, television personality, and philanthropist, DeShawn Snow lives in the metro Atlanta area with her husband-NBA player Eric Snow and three adored sons. A socialite-turned-servant, Deshawn is studying to earn her Master of Divinity degree. Visit her at
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