Take Away The Stone, Take Off The Bandages (A Poetic Reflection inspired by John 11:17-44)
Dead in the grave
Smellin’ in the cave
Bandages to wrap me
A Stone to cover me
Death sentence by a killer disease
Positive diagnosis
Negative consequences
Death sentence by chronic disease
Called out from the depths of my grave
Called out from the depths of my cave
Called out from the depths of my pain
Called out from the depths strain
Summoned to possibility
Summoned to a new destiny
No stone to prevent capability
No bandages to stop vitality
Jesus showed up
I’m getting’ up
Jesus showed out
I’m getting’ out
Jesus shed tears
I’m overcommin’ my fears
Jesus wept & cried
I’m kept, not denied
I can live positive
I can live productive
I can live constructive
I can live positive
Unwrap my guilt
Loose me for forgiveness
Unwrap my regretfulness
Loose me for growth
Resurrection from my grave
Reconciliation from the cave
Restoration to life is my invitation
A joyous life is my destination
Rev. Kelvin Sauls was born and raised in South Africa. He was a Pastor in San Francisco & Oakland for 10 years. He currently serves as the Director for New Ministry in the California-Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church and lives in Los Angeles.
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