On October 3, 2013, National Basketball Association’s Analyst, Chris Broussard, launched a new chapter of his men’s ministry, K.I.N.G in the San Francisco Bay Area, at Calvary Hill Community Church, Reverend Dr. Joseph Bryant Jr.
Chriss Broussard gathered men around the San Francisco Bay Area so they can be a part of his nationwide movement K.I.N.G, knowing Inspiration and Nurture through God. The movement seeks to unite Christian men and put them in contact with one another so they can be a part of changing the negative Image of Black men through mentoring programs and conferences in America and soon, worldwide.
The ministry has been in effect for two years and already has men from Long Island, NY to Houston, TX and now San Francisco. Appointing Reverend Dr. Joseph Bryant Jr. over the San Francisco chapter Broussard is confident this chapter will anxiously get involved and stay active.
“I desire to nationally build a community of men together so they can be strong, equipped Christians and be an example for younger men that are trying to live for Christ,” says Broussard.
Knowing that 72% of African American children are being brought up in a fatherless household he yearns to see men instill strong Christian values within other youth and young adult men implementing mentorships, conferences, community outreach and fellowship.
According to Broussard, K.I.N.G is on the rise and by faith this movement is going to change things within the next 15 years for the nation. Faith is an intricate major piece to this movement and is spreading like a wildfire.
Broussard notices that faith movements are happening all over, including among athletes, and will continue to progressively grow from arranged organizations similar to K.I.N.G that illustrate and model change.
“Faith movements such as this men’s ministry, K.I.N.G create miraculous stories, refine stereotypes, and help build stronger communities that will stand up and not fall for anything.”
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