Dear Heavenly Parent:
We are people of flesh and blood. Your Son became flesh and blood and dwelt among us. Jesus knew what it was like to walk in our shoes. He experienced suffering, pain and humiliation. Hanging on the Cross, he experienced the feeling of abandonment and alienation.
Your children suffering from Aids/HIV, no doubt they have days when they too cry out, “My God, My God why have you forsaken me?” But God we know that our feelings don’t change the truth that you are near and that you care with everlasting care.
You are the Holy God, ruling from your throne. God please comfort, console and cuddle those who need a big hug from you. Healing is in your hands. Protection is in your hands.
Thank you God for the humble privilege to talk to you today. Thank you God that we can cast all of our cares upon you, knowing that we can look to you for all our needs.
Rev. Dr. Martha C. Taylor is an associate minister at the historic Allen Temple Baptist Church (Oakland, CA), National Historian/Archivist to the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc, and author of the forthcoming book “From Labor to Reward” – Black Church Beginnings in San Francisco, Oakland, Richmond and Berkeley, 1849-1972.
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