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    Faith in the Bay™ Community Guidelines

    In addition to our Terms of Service, please read the following Community Guidelines for Faith in the Bay™.


    We will not look at every post, photo or comment made on the site nor do we guarantee the integrity of every member on the site. If we notice, or you report, something that we believe violates our guidelines or the Faith in the Bay™ Terms of Service, will do our best to review it and take that action we feel is appropriate. We have the final say on whether content or conduct is permissible under these guidelines and our Terms of Service.

    Faith in the Bay™ is not responsible for Group content and conduct. Group captains are responsible for making their own guidelines for the group and enforcing them as desired.

    We always have the right to remove postings, lock postings, warn members, suspend accounts, and cancel accounts to enforce these guidelines or the Faith in the Bay™ Terms of Service or as we deem necessary. Whatever action we choose to take, our decision is final.

    We are not responsible for what happens off the site, even if it was organized by Faith in the Bay™. Always be cautious of whom you talk to, whom you trust, and how you act based on what you read online.


    • Treat people as you would like to be treated. Respect and courtesy are important. Don’t be rude or bigoted. Discuss the message, not the messenger. Do not post personal attacks or engage in name-calling or gang up against other members. We will not tolerate disrespect.
    • Don’t post entire articles. Instead, post short excerpts (not exceeding 4 paragraphs with attribution to the author with links).
    • No spamming. Do not post the same thing multiple times. Do not post the same photo multiple times or cross-post on different groups or forums. Once or twice is fine but more than that is spamming.
    • Please try to be as clear as possible in your messages to avoid misunderstandings.
    • Respect the wishes of the administrators. We reserve the right to ban anyone for any reason, and to delete any post for any reason. Please be aware that administrators are not expected to be online all the time, and therefore they cannot respond immediately to every problem that arises on this site.
    • Do not plagiarize. Do not post copyrighted material, including photos and photos downloaded from the web. Only post your own photos.
    • You may not impersonate someone else or pretend to be someone you’re not. Impersonation of someone else is grounds for removal of your account from this site.
    • Do not post personal information about any other person, even if that information is publicly available. You may post the public contact information for public figures, but you may not post anyone’s private information.
    • Do not post nude sexually explicit images or messages.
    • Do not post graphic images of violence.
    • You may not discuss Faith in the Bay™’ policies on the site. Don’t agree with Faith in the Bay™ policies? Please send us your constructive feedback about our policies. If you create journal posts about policy issues, they will be removed.

    Changes to the Community Guidelines for Faith in the Bay™ will be posted from time to time and we reserve the right to do so at our discretion.

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