Almighty God, we worship and a adore you. We bless your Holy Name.
We confess to you that we are weak and not always trusting of your goodness, and we seek your forgiveness for our sins.
We are mindful that even in our weakness we are made strong in you, and are grateful that your love for us transcends our frailties.
We come today to offer our thanksgiving and our appreciation for the many blessing that you consistently bestow upon us.
We thank you even for our present condition, because we have grown to understand that you are a very present help in our circumstances, and that nothing occurs in our lives that you are not aware of.
We are grateful to know that we are not alone, you promised to never leave or forsake us.
Now LORD draw near to us, as we walk before you in truth and with loyal hearts, hear us now oh God and do for us what you promised your servant Hezekiah, heal us from this disease in our bodies and deliver our communities from the stronghold of complacency .
In Christ we pray. Amen.
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