• Health & Beauty

    Are Kettlebells Right for Your Workout Program?



    It’s almost summertime, and you know what that means. The gyms, and trails are full of people looking to add some fitness to their daily routine. The kettlebell is traditionally a cast iron weight that originated in Russia and has now taken the fitness world by storm. It, like other free weights, provide a great workout for both men and women of any age and at any degree of fitness.

    Repetition is key to your success. You train in bursts with breaks in between to recover from the intensity. Because of the  increased demand on your aerobic capacity, you will find your breathing sometimes labored, unlike traditional weight training that’s slower in pace.

    Kettlebell exercises are typically total body movements that are known by such names as: snatch, swing, high pull, etc.. The names may sound funny, but the effect they have on your total fitness level can be amazing.

    Kettlebell training, while helping to increase your strength,  also improves your cardiovascular abilities because of the swinging motion you implement that isn’t found when you use dumbbells in your workout routines.

    There are two types of movements: a grind or ballistic movement. Grinds are slow and calculated, emphasizing strength. Ballistic exercises are those where movement and speed play an important role.

    Some people liken the kettlebell to old fashioned medicine balls, but the exercise variety the kettlebell offers in training is a better overall workout than simply catching a weight in your hands.

    DO NOT RUSH YOUR ABILITIES!. These are free weights – some are heavy. Starting out with one that’s too heavy for you can cause more harm than good if you injure yourself in the process. Use the same prudence as you would with other weightlifting equipment.

    Remember: Great results come from smart training.



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