We give thanks today O’God.
We give thanks because we know that it was your divine Spirit that placed wisdom in the minds of the Scientists and Physicians who have worked tirelessly to develop the medications that now preserve and prolong the lives of those currently living with HIV/AIDS.
We remember those who have passed on and we humbly thank you for the blessings you have already provided. A healing balm which has already preserved the lives of so many of our brothers and sisters living with HIV.
Our prayer today is that we who call ourselves the church will continue to be a source of love, support, and hope for those living with HIV or AIDS regardless of whom they have chosen to love. We pray for the strength and courage to stand with, and for them when others attempt to stigmatize, demean, or neglect them because of their illness.
Let our voices speak words of love and compassion. Let our hands be filled with your loving, healing, touch as we seek to be your agents of grace in a world that often attempts to shame or silence the voices of those living with this disease.
We pray continued strength and courage for the long-term survivors. We are grateful for their presence in our churches, homes, and communities. Continue to speak to their hearts and minds, as we the church continue to support and encourage them.
Help us to live, encourage, and worship with one another in spirit of solidarity and love.
Rev. Dr. Damon A Powell – Artist & Theologian
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