Sovereign Lord,
We lift up your sons and daughters that are living with HIV/AIDS. We ask that you do what only you can do: Be their Healing Balm. We pray for their health and healing. We pray for their care and comfort. We pray for strength in their bodies and joy in their souls.
Thank you for the grace that sustains them and mercy that maintains them. Thank you for the support and love of friends, family and caregivers. Thank you for the advocates, allies and activists who continue speak truth to any power that seeks to diminish, demean and destroy their sense of humanity, created in Your image and likeness.
Lord, we know that there are those who continue to battle not only only in their bodies but in their minds. Where there is doubt, depression and despair – let them discover the faith, hope and joy that is found in YOU!
We pray God, that your promises be made manifest in their lives daily:
Promises of your Presence;
Promises of your Power;
Promises of your Provision and Promises of your Protection.
Thank you for the testimony that a diagnosis is no longer death sentence.
In the name above all names,
For more information on NWPHA, and faith-based HIV/AIDS resources visit:
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